Liz in Geneva

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A travel poem: ode to the airports

(Sorry guys, I'm just too jet-lagged and tired to make full sentences. But you get the gist. Pretend it's artistic or something)

Geneva: GVA
4 kilos overweight
Had to part with precious items
Pounding headache
One last good-bye
My last 20 dollar coffee and croissant
Copenhagen: CPH
Flight delayed
Missed connection
So many Danish people
Chicago: ORD
Luggage stayed here
It liked the midwest, I guess
Barrelling through the airport
Almost didn't make it to
Toronto: YYZ
21 hours of travelling
1 night in the city, then
My luggage arrives
In the nick of time
Onward to
Winnipeg: YWG
Not so cold thank god
Nice hotel
I think I will sleep for 2 days now

No more airports
At least until Friday


  • this is beautiful.
    you probably could have repeated the 'pounding headache' part a few times.... good grief.

    By Blogger zoe, at 10:49 PM  

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