Liz in Geneva

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Meet my people

So.....I don't really have a lot of stories to tell this week. I've been busy at work, I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing after my contract's finished in exactly four weeks (yikes!), and I've been planning travels since I want to see as much as possible before I (might) leave in March. Oh, and I've been playing in the snow. It snowed last weekend for the first time all winter - thanks to the warm weather, there were flowers blooming all over the city up until about a week ago. Now everyone in Geneva is rushing to the mountains as fast as they can because the skiing's been so awful up until now.

Anyway, in lieu of interesting stories, I'll give you an introduction to some of my people here. A couple of weeks ago, a few friends and I had a get-together at my place to celebrate the new year, say good-bye to our friend Konsti and celebrate the fact that I've made it through the world for 24 years now & have lived to tell the tale. Since I never post pictures of my friends here, I thought I'd share a bit. Here's the Geneva gang:

Me, Stephan, Béatrice & Jean-Olivier

The lovely and talented Hélène:

Konstantine, who has sadly left us to go back to Vienna and finish his degree (pshaw I say...who needs an education really? His priorities are obviously all wrong.)

Another of the fantastic Québecois in Geneva, Daniel, who also happens to be the king of Romanian dance music sing-alongs:

I believe you're acquainted with the subject of this photo:

And finally, last but not least, the fantastic Jean-Olivier, who I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to spend quality time with while I've been in Geneva:

And that's it! Next weekend I'll be in London, but I promise to send a dispatch.

Big hugs,


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