Liz in Geneva

Monday, January 22, 2007

Blame Canada

I just came across this video that Greenpeace & the South Park crew made last fall in response to Canada's refusal to support a UN-proposed moratoriam on bottom trawling.

Feel free to just enjoy the video, but if you want some background, here it is:

Bottom trawling is a fishing method where a huge net weighted with steel gates drags along the bottom of the ocean floor to scoop up bottom feeding fish. In the process, it also scoops and scrapes up other fish, plants, coral and everything that lives at the bottom of the sea. According to the UN, about 95% of damage caused to seamount floors is because of trawling, which is pretty horific given the tiny number of fish that trawlers actually catch - less than 1% of overall fish catch. So it's kind of like killing mosquitos with a nuclear bomb.

In the end, the moratorium that was proposed last fall didn't reach UN consensus, probably because of strong opposition by certain *cough cough* parties. Canada was happy.

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