Liz in Geneva

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yee haw - I get to leave the country after all! The EU customs people are letting me to go Italy for New Year's sans passport, so I'm no longer on house arrest in Geneva.

I hope you all have a great New Year's, and I'll write again in 2007!!!

Much love,



  • Hurrah, so glad you got to have what I will assume was a fabulous Italian New Year celebration! Losing your passport was actually a good strategy for not having to worry about it while getting drunk on New Year's eve. Things could have been worse (if you don't believe me, I can get my cousin to tell you about his drunken Italian New Year during his CIDA internship...).

    Oh yeah, and belated Happy Birthday!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 AM  

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