Liz in Geneva

Monday, November 06, 2006

Halloween and hibernation

Okay, I know I've been a bit of an absentee blogger lately, and I apologize. It got cold here, and I went into hibernation mode, and found it hard to get motivated to do anything except snuggle in bed with a mug of tea and a good book. And then I remembered that people don't get to hibernate, and now here I am again! So, here's Liz's past week in a nutshell:


The Europeans don't really celebrate Halloween, but my roomate Beatrice & I still managed to celebrate in expat style. Keeping with our greeny enviro-roots, here's us all dressed up in our Halloween finest for a party:

And here's my costume at the end of the night, stuffed into my bag. I really don't have a lot of patience for wires that poke or things that restrict movement in any way. Handy how it all folds in there, n'est-ce pas?


After that, I had a busy week at work, helping my supervisor get ready to go to Nairobi for the convention of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol, which started today. So keep your fingers crossed everyone that there'll be some concrete outcomes to this meeting, like a work plan for developing emissions reductions commitments after 2012, when Kyoto commitments end! (Yes, I am a climate nerd, and I don't care. So there.) Unfourtunately, due to funding something-or-others I wasn't able to go to Nairobi too, but I'm trying not to focus on that : )

Instead, I'm thinking about the amazing young Canadians who are in Nairobi now as part of a 20+ strong youth delegation, and who will undoubtedly inject much needed passion, energy & dedication to these important meetings. Yay!

And going to France...

This past weekend brought me to Freiburg, Germany again but unfourtunately I have no exciting pictures or anecdotes to share with you so as I pretty much hibernated there so I'll skip over that, which bring us to Monday, which is today. On Mondays I go to France to teach piano lessons and I have to say, I still love how casually I can say that on Mondays I "go to France". I don't think I'll ever be cool enough not to be excited by this.

And that's the scoop coming to you live from Geneva. I hope you're all well! Is it cold in Canada? Rainy in Vancouver? Awww... rainy Vancouver. Much love from the land of yodels and Rolex!

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