Liz in Geneva

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

See? I'm learning so much...

Fun fact of the week: did you know that in Quebec they don't really celebrate thanksgiving? I lived there for 4 years and had no idea, probably because I lived in a complete university bubble. Did anyone else from Montreal know this?

Lesson learned of the week: DO NOT ride your bike along the tram tracks, even if the bike lane clearly tells you to. It's an evil ploy so that you'll get your tire caught in the tracks when you try to turn & you'll fly over the handlebards and do a huge, spectacular face-plant in the middle of the pavement and then people will come running and try to pick you up, and you'll have no more skin on your elbows and you'll be all worried about your beautiful new bike....

umm...I mean, not that I know from experience. This is all rhetorical, of course.

P.S. Yes mom, I'm fine. I promise.



  • A kindred bike faller-offer. On the bright side- falling from your bike brings you one step closer to knowing what it's like to be a bike messenger. Not that you were all that into knowing what its like to be a bike messenger. I'm stopping now.

    By Blogger Adrienne Cademenos, at 8:54 PM  

  • I would die for some padded spandex pants. Or I suppose I could just pay the $50 or whatever they cost. Altough, in terms of fashion it's probably advisable to die if I wear those pants. Stopping now.

    By Blogger Adrienne Cademenos, at 8:42 PM  

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