Liz in Geneva

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Brrr.....fall is a'comin

Is it still warm wherever you are? Here, the weather is turning and it's definitely getting colder. As a native Vancouverite, I'm well prepared to handle the almost-daily onslaught of rain, mist, drizzle and showers. I still miss the summer sun, though! People around the city are crankier and it's starting to get dark very early.

I hear that the fountain in the middle of Lake Geneva gets turned off at the end of October, so I did the tourist thing this weekend and took pictures for posterity while it's still a'sprayin' and a'jetting. So here you have the giant jet d'eau in all its 140 metre high glory:

Unfourtunately, I was struck down with a bad cold this weekend & didn't get to see the Desalps festival myself. However, since I promised you all pictures of cows with flowers and bells and the like, here's a representative of a picture that I might have taken had I been at the festival:

Big cows, bill bells and big flowers indeed!

My work is getting really interesting as I become more actively involved with projects. For the past two days, I've been at a conference about integrating disaster risk management and climate change adaptation which, although probably not super exciting for all people, is fascinating for me. It also gave me the chance to meet a lot of people working with government funding agencies, research organizations & other UN bodies Plus, you know, there's free food. Can you tell I'm an underpaid intern?

I moved into my new apartment on the weekend, and can confidently say that I have never lived in a nicer place than this one. Because we're sub-letting, it's totally furnished and equipped with everything we need - a bonus for two girls on interns' salaries! Here is my beautiful room:

And here is my new roomate, BĂ©atrice:

And that's all my news for now!



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