Labels: Geneva life
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
All in all, I think it was a very educational evening.
Labels: Geneva life
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Kids these days and their newfangled music. This has gotta be the most hilarious message about saving the world that I've ever seen.....complete with Steve Erkel look-alike. Yay!
Labels: Liz rant, Random enjoyment
Hello everyone!
As we head into the middle of November, Geneva is getting colder, but I think I’ll like the winter here. Not as cold as Montreal & not as rainy as Vancouver – I can handle this! I can still bike to work every day, so I’m happy.
Last weekend, Béatrice and I went to see an 11th century castle right on the edge of Lac Leman. We tried to go hiking, but got laughed out of the idea by two policemen who told us it would take 6 hours to get to where we wanted to go, and that it was far too snowy for us and our (apparently) inadequate apparel. So, like the intrepid and flexible travelers we are, we quickly moved on to Plan B – Château de Chillon.
It was very educational, although I have to say we had a hard time following many of medieval-era words in the guidebook. [Side note: if anyone knows what a machicolation/mâchicoulis is, we’d be happy to be enlightened]. I had no idea there were so many ways to torture people or that one building would require such a vast number of prisons.

I hope you're all having a good week - I'm out!
Labels: Geneva life, work

In our own back yard, the Canadian government's performance at these important meetings is absolutely embarassing. Canadian delegates have blocked motions to transfer cleaner technology to developing countries, refused to meet Kyoto targets, withdrawn funding for sustainable development projects, and supported proposals that they knew absolutely nothing about. Considering that more Canadians rank the environment as their number one concern than anything else (yes, even more than health care!), this abysmal performance definitely isn't in Canadians' best interests. I mean, even the majority of Albertans would be open to a carbon tax!

As this year's round of talks draws to a close I, along with thousands of others worldwide, hope that countries will be able to set aside their differences at these negotiations and focus on the common end goal: creating a future that we'll all want to take part in.
Labels: Liz rant
Monday, November 06, 2006

Instead, I'm thinking about the amazing young Canadians who are in Nairobi now as part of a 20+ strong youth delegation, and who will undoubtedly inject much needed passion, energy & dedication to these important meetings. Yay!
And going to France...
And that's the scoop coming to you live from Geneva. I hope you're all well! Is it cold in Canada? Rainy in Vancouver? Awww... rainy Vancouver. Much love from the land of yodels and Rolex!
Labels: Geneva life, Liz rant, work