Liz in Geneva

Friday, March 16, 2007

Look out England, I'm a'comin!

So it's official - I'm moving to London to start a new job on May 16. I'll be spearheading a new organization called the Otesha Project UK, which is based on an amazing Canadian organization, the Otesha Project ( I'll be building a program of peer-to-peer sustainability education for youth, focusing on the choices we can make in our daily lives to create positive change, both environmentally and socially. Members of the original Otesha Project have travelled thousands of kilometres by bike to convey their messages to young people all over Canada and, even better, they do this through theatre. So, as you can see, I'm combining lots of my passions into one fantastic project AND I get to live in London!

On a side note, I don't know if I'm going to be able to change the name of this blog, so it might have to stay "Liz in Geneva" for the foreseeable future.....



  • U mean May 16th right??
    So fantasticly wonderful for you, and the lucky kids u'r working with!!

    By Blogger Juhli Conlinn, at 10:41 PM  

  • Keep fighting the good fight! Congrats on all your success! I'm teaching preschool at the moment, and any chance I get I tell the kids, "you only need one paper towel to dry your hands!" every little bit helps right? :) I also cringe everytime I have to change a disposable diaper - and not just b/c of the nasty poops! Take care and good luck in London! Love, Cathryn xoxo

    By Blogger CatPye, at 2:02 AM  

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